Sri Lanka’s Potential

An unmatched history, spanning over thousands of years, a vast land of greenery spreading between Point Pedro and Dondra, Sri Lanka is surrounded with long stretches of sandy beaches. It has been and will be one of the few countries of the world that cannot ever be forgotten. Ranging from species such as wild elephants, leopards and the local “wali kukula” which is a type of bird, there is the “Sri Lankan”.

The Sri Lankan is unique, understanding, compassionate and beautiful. Twenty million faces and hearts beating collectively as one responding to life’s challenges with the aim of making their lives better while hoping that their cause will develop the country and strengthen the generations to come move in and out of the City of Colombo day in and day out clinging onto trains and buses just so that their tomorrow would breathe a better life. And the amount of talent that exists within these 20 million Sri Lankans’ is extraordinary. However, most of their talent is limited. Continue reading

Kill the negativity

“Don’t touch that. Don’t run. Don’t step there. You’ll drop it. You’ll get hurt” are some from the many phrases that a toddler would hear from their parents while growing up to be a kid. We do not let them run because we are scared that they would fall down. We do not let them hold something from their fingers scared that they would drop it on their feet. We as adults who are responsible for kids growing up safe tend to care more than necessary at times not letting the child grow alone through their mistakes. And the question is, are we doing it right?  Continue reading

Choosing the right path

The pain you can go through for someone else is excruciating. It’s like someone taking out your nerves one by one, plucking each strand gently but causing so much pain as it caresses through your skin onto the surface where it slowly fades away into darkness. It’s peaceful form of life is when it breathes below the surface not when it comes outside. It has figured out its life all alone, has decided what it wants to do with itself and is happy with its task at hand. But then it is betrayed into believing that the surface outside will breathe new life, so it lets itself out. But eventually, it loses its life. It has no meaning thereafter.

Life and love is the same. It can look beautiful. Love can help you to figure your life out, let you decide what you want in life and breathe life into you where you are completely happy. But one day, love would knock on your door and remind you that it was a mistaken invitation that you accepted a long time ago. It’s the day you realize you were betrayed and that you were less important. Then you start believing less and wanting to never love again. This can happen with life. When you fail, you may want to give up and never try again. Continue reading

You create your own choices

Life is what we make. It is about the choices we make and the decisions we take. But there are moments in life when we are helpless, moments when there is nothing we can do but watch, learn and move on. If you lose someone and you have to forget it, it shouldn’t be called as “moving on”, it’s just learning to live without that certain person because sometimes in life, we are left with no choice.

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Paradise Island

Known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka is renowned for it’s natural beauty which includes it’s everlasting sandy beaches that stretches on for miles, it’s mountain ranges that cover an entire horizon and it’s rain forests which symbolize that the world is a place of green surrounded by oceans of blue. It’s unique traditions and ways of life make Sri Lanka a place you never want to leave.

A diverse country home to many religions, ethnicity’s and languages. A country willing to offer and share. Sri Lanka is the land of the Sinhalese, the Sri Lankan Tamils, Moors, Indian Tamils, Burghers, Malays, Kaffirs and the aboriginal Veddas. It’s people are most welcoming and heartwarming.

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